Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley

Death of Topsy the Elephant (1903)

Announced by Archdruid Eileen, Wednesday, 4 January 2012 This morning we will be remembering the sad fate of Topsy the Elephant, who was put to death by electrocution for the murder of three.…  [more]

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Organising panda fights

Wife-beating? That’s fine – unless you’re a Muslim

By Mark Steel, Wednesday 09 July 2008 The Sun newspaper has come over a bit modest. Following a Channel 4 documentary about media reporting of Muslims, the paper accepts some of…  [more]

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Much is at stake

The streets of 2012

By Naomi Wolf, 03 Jan 2012 14:59 New York, NY – What does the New Year hold for the global wave of protest that erupted in 2011? Did the surge of anger that began…  [more]

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Its own time and place

What Does The Book Of Revelation Really Mean?

By , 01/ 2/12 01:25 AM ET This is the first installment of a three-part series. We’ve survived Harold Camping. We survived Y2K, albeit with less distress than our…  [more]

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Death via live broadcast

On third anniversary of Gaza war, we will remember

By Amira Hass, 03:53 02.01.12 On the third anniversary of the Cast Lead onslaught, we remember the anonymous soldiers who fired on a red car, in which a father,…  [more]

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Monsieur d’Nalgar’s note: The title of this post is taken from the last line of Stéphane Hessel’s Indignez vous! TO CREATE IS TO RESIST; TO RESIST IS TO CREATE.

The little red book that swept France

By John Lichfield, Monday…  [more]

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France’s shamefully forgotten allies

By Robert Fisk, Saturday 31 December 2011 It took Indigènes to remind the French that they owed their liberation not only to De Gaulle’s largely white Free French troops but also to 134,000 Algerian soldiers,…  [more]

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