The well is deep

The Means Determine the End

By Harry Emerson Fosdick, Living Under Tension, 1941, Harper and Brothers, New York and London, pages 102 – 111. EVERYONE knows how commonly our high determinations peter out. We resolve that we will…  [more]

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With us always

Why we still can’t talk about slavery

By Peter Birkenhead, Tuesday, Dec 27, 2011 12:00 PM 13:11:06 CST The menu at the Cabin was long, one of those unwieldy, laminated mega-menus that grace the tables of roadside diners…  [more]

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Fully entitled to ask

Romney’s Mormon Problem

By , Monday, Oct. 17, 2011, at 11:05 AM ET I have no clear idea whether Pastor Robert Jeffress is correct in referring to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, more colloquially…  [more]

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Choose your theocracy

Ultra-Orthodox spit on “immodest” 8-year-old girl in Beit Shemesh

By Ami Kaufman, Sunday, December 25 2011 Naama Margolis, an 8-year-old from Bet Shemesh, is the most famous girl in Israel today…   …read entire story at +972  [more]

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The really weird stuff

How to argue with right-wing relatives

By Alex Pareene, Sunday, Dec 25, 2011 8:00 AM 17:20:33 CST There comes a time at most large family gatherings when a heated political argument breaks out. And by “heated political argument”…  [more]

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Make the next year count

Fear Dec 21, 2012?

By Jason Boyett, 03:49 PM ET, 12/21/2011 Today is December 21, 2011. A host of Web sites, books, and breathless cable documentaries are speculating that the world will come to an end a year…  [more]

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The irony would not have been lost

The near-religious zeal that drives the godless

By Howard Jacobson, Saturday 24 December 2011 May I take this opportunity to wish readers a happy “moral and aesthetic nightmare”. That definition of Christmas belongs to the late Christopher Hitchens.…  [more]

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