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Sep 21 2011
The morning after
Obama gets a kosher seal of approval
By Chemi Shalev, 00:17 22.09.11 … U.S. President Barack Obama certainly never dreamt that one day he would be so warmly endorsed by Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, of all people. But today,… [more]Permanent link to this article:
Sep 21 2011
Egging on the Israeli equivalents
Perry’s Faith-Based Foreign Policy Directive
By Justin Raimondo, September 21, 2011 … If Rick Perry makes it to the White House, what will American foreign policy in the Middle East look like? We got a clear indication of that,… [more]Permanent link to this article:
Sep 20 2011
Orthodox Jewish cheerleaders
Texas Governor Rick Perry: Like a Likudnik
By Chemi Shalev, 23:25 20.09.11 … Except for the fact that the proceedings were held in English, an Israeli attending Texas Governor Rick Perry’s “press conference” at the W Hotel in midtown Manhattan… [more]Permanent link to this article:
Sep 20 2011
What he must do
The humiliation of Barack Obama
By Robert Grenier, 20 Sep 2011 10:40 … Sooner or later, it’s going to happen. Most likely, the moment will come just before his first head-of-state meeting in New York. Or perhaps it will… [more]Permanent link to this article:
Sep 19 2011
Not mere passivity
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Sep 19 2011
Failures to stand up
Why the Middle East will never be the same again
By Robert Fisk, Tuesday, 20 September 2011 … The Palestinians won’t get a state this week. But they will prove – if they get enough votes in the General Assembly… [more]Permanent link to this article: