Death Thou Art Dead

Duane Buck And Celebrating The Interruption Of Death

By , 9/16/11 01:52 PM ET Last night death was interrupted. Duane Buck was set for execution. His execution would have been the second this week and the eleventh…  [more]

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So basic, so banal

Israel does not want a Palestinian state. Period.

By Gideon Levy, 03:06 15.09.11 What will we tell the world next week, at the UN? What could we say? Whether in the General Assembly or the Security Council, we…  [more]

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The panic was on

The anthrax scare: not a germ of truth

By , Thursday 15 September 2011 12.00 EDT We forget that less than a month after 9/11, Americans felt themselves under siege again. This time, the danger came from  [more]

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Stripped of their humanity

Israel’s missed opportunities

By Anwar Ibrahim, 15 Sep 2011 18:45 In the prologue to The History of the Destruction of Jerusalem, the author Josephus tells us that works written earlier by others “were marred by inaccuracies and…  [more]

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West Bank villagers’ daily battle with Israel over water

By , Wednesday 14 September 2011 12.51 EDT The South Hebron Hills, sweltering in 34C heat and in its second consecutive year of drought, is a landscape of…  [more]

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Tactics and mindsets

Ten reasons Palestine is right to bring its case to the UN

By Bradley Burston, 19:23 13.09.11 There’s a certain implied danger in the idea of playing darts in the dark. Particularly when there are numerous players in…  [more]

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Deep inequality persists

Trocmé, Christ and revolution

By , Tuesday 13 September 2011 14.02 BST Jesus “was not concerned with the reform of certain details, but with overturning everything, including the entire economic hierarchy of society”, wrote André Trocmé in…  [more]

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