
Let America be America again

By Paul Rosenberg, 05 Aug 2011 12:01 “America never was America to me, And yet I swear this oath – America will be!” – Langston Hughes As I wrote last week,…  [more]

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Poisoned wells

Once untouchable, the old despot and his sons faced the wrath of the nation they had terrorised

By Robert Fisk, Thursday, 4 August 2011 Just when the Arab dictators desperately need to drink the secure, cool waters of an…  [more]

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Only God knows

Ramadan: a guide for the perplexed

By , Wednesday 3 August 2011 20.00 BST I crawled out of bed this morning at 2.45am, exhausted and bleary-eyed. I wolfed down two eggs, two slices of toast, a croissant,…  [more]

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A common enemy

How Saudi Arabia Killed the Arab Spring

By , August 1, 2011 Saudi Arabia squashed the “Arab Spring” when it sent its military to quell the popular uprising in neighboring Bahrain earlier this year. The Saudi intervention was…  [more]

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All our things

Le 28 Juillet : La Liberté guidant le peuple (1830), Eugène Delacroix. Tableau commémorant les Trois Glorieuses et symbole de la France, de la démocratie et de la République (analyse de l’œuvre sur le site du Louvre). [more]

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Why does all this matter?

Evangelicals Without Blowhards

By Nicholas D. Kristof, July 30, 2011 IN these polarized times, few words conjure as much distaste in liberal circles as “evangelical Christian.” That’s partly because evangelicals came to be associated over the last 25 years…  [more]

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Screeching castrati

Behold what has become of our fourth estate (there is something pathetic about getting better news from the Comedy Channel than we can get from mainstream newspapers and television): [tube][/tube] [more]

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