Banning karma

The Man Behind the Anti-Shariah Movement

By Andrea Elliott, July 30, 2011 NASHVILLE — Tennessee’s latest woes include high unemployment, continuing foreclosures and a battle over collective-bargaining rights for teachers. But when a Republican representative took the Statehouse floor…  [more]

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Despite all our talk

The myth of the extraordinary teacher

By Ellie Herman, July 31, 2011 The kid in the back wants me to define “logic.” The girl next to him looks bewildered. The boy in front of me dutifully takes notes even…  [more]

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American Holocaust

Everything you need to know- Honest!

By Lee Burkett (with his permission), Saturday, July 30, 2011 at 1:08pm We need to stop seeing what happens in Washington through the bipartisan looking glass. It is patently obvious that neither party…  [more]

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Seen today

…on Highway 84, about five miles northeast of Bismarck, Arkansas:   What it fails to mention is that some estimates of Iraqi civilian casualties are as high as 1,455,590. Afghan civilian casualties are more difficult to estimate, but the United Nations…  [more]

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Days left to get rich

The Rapture Profiteers

By Peter Savodnik, July 28, 2011, 4:30 PM EDT For nearly a year, nonagenarian preacher and radio personality Harold Camping predicted the world would end on May 21. Locusts would blanket the earth and millions would…  [more]

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Overwhelming majority

In his rage against Muslims, Norway’s killer was no loner

By , Thursday 28 July 2011 It’s comforting, perhaps, to dismiss Anders Behring Breivik as nothing more than a psychotic loner. That was the view of the…  [more]

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Spiritual warfare

America’s own Taliban

By Paul Rosenberg, 28 Jul 2011 10:44 Prior to 9/11, the Taliban government in Afghanistan did not register very much on American radar screens, with one notable exception: when it blew up two colossal images…  [more]

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