Note: The following piece by
Israel Shamir, a contemporary Israeli intellectual, was resurrected April 18, 2010 after Wiesel’s open letter appeared in the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, International Herald Tribune, and New York Times…
Elie Wiesel wrote…
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Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2010 1:57 PM
Subject: Chas Freeman’s Brilliant Speech in Oslo
TO: Distinguished Recipients
John Whitbeck
Miraculously, almost instantly after I circulated the interview with Chas Freeman earlier today, one of my distinguished recipients sent me…
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Barry Blitt’s cartoon in Frank Rich’s NYT opinion piece about the
billionaires bankrolling the Tea Party.…
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Ground Zero’s Slave Graves
Jen Phillips, Wednesday August 25, 2010 4:32 PM PDT
The outrage about the “ground zero mosque” has turned very ugly, as
this video of this recent protest shows. People are calling Mohammed a pig.…
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Baptists, Islam and the greatest danger
By Alan Sherouse, Friday, August 27, 2010
NEW YORK (ABP) — I come to the escalating debate over the Islamic center proposed near Ground Zero as a Baptist pastor in the heart of Manhattan.…
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From Philip Giraldi’s recent article “
Mossad in America” about stepped-up Israeli intelligence activity in the US:
Liberty survivor Phil Tourney was recently accosted in Southern California by a foreigner who eventually identified himself as an Israeli government…
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Peter Schrank’s cartoon in today’s
Independent News.…
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