The myth that Israel is democratic

As a Palestinian, I refuse to be tokenised and I refuse to have dialogue.

By the lower case arab, 17th Apr 2013   I cannot stay silent for much longer. I cannot contain my feelings about a certain word…  [more]

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Left to rot

450,000 Palestinian Refugees face Dire Restrictions in Lebanon

By , 8th Mar 2013   Within ten minutes, not taking into account Beirut’s chaotic traffic, one can travel from the Mediterranean equivalence of the Champs-Élysées to an area resembling…  [more]

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Only reconciliation with the nakba

Apartheid of the consciousness

By , Apr.17, 2013   The workers at the immaculate Jaffa butcher shop had their hands full on the eve of Independence Day. Packaged trays of kebab were being panic-bought as if the Iranian…  [more]

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Realm of offensive absurdity

It’s time to bury not just Thatcher – but Thatcherism

By , Tuesday 16 April 2013 17.20 EDT   They have only themselves to blame. Protests were always likely at any official sendoff for the most socially destructive…  [more]

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A time of shame and sorrow

Remarks to the Cleveland City Club

By Robert F. Kennedy, April 5, 1968   This is a time of shame and sorrow. It is not a day for politics. I have saved this one opportunity to speak briefly to you…  [more]

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What matters is what governments do

Progressive Tax Rates Linked To National Happiness: Study

By , 11/08/11 05:12   Detractors of Warren Buffett take note: The more a country taxes its richest citizens, the happier everyone in that country will be. Such are  [more]

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Must we live forever

At 65, modern Israel is falling short of Zionism’s most basic goal

By Matt Hill, Tuesday 16 April 2013   Soon after the founding of Israel in 1948, a lady newly arrived from Poland was standing outside a cinema…  [more]

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