After decades of instant vilification

Boston explosions: ‘Please don’t be Arabs or Muslims’

By Khaled A Beydoun, 16 Apr 2013 09:25   I texted my friend at 7:47am EST, extending well wishes for a “successful and prosperous race”. Like the 23,181 runners who left Hopkinton…  [more]

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No nation or religion

Can the Boston Bombings increase our Sympathy for Iraq and Syria, for all such Victims?

By Juan Cole, 04/16/2013   The horrific bombings of the Boston Marathon produced inspiring images of a spirited, brave Boston refusing to be cowed. Some…  [more]

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The situation is desperate now

Gitmo Is Killing Me

By Samir Naji al Hasan Moqbel, April 14, 2013   One man here weighs just 77 pounds. Another, 98. Last thing I knew, I weighed 132, but that was a month ago. I’ve been on…  [more]

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Here at the altar of loneliness

The Facebook Sonnet

By Sherman Alexie, May 2011 Welcome to the endless high-school Reunion. Welcome to past friends And lovers, however kind or cruel. Let’s undervalue and unmend The present. Why can’t we pretend Every stage of life is the…  [more]

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A tale of two ghosts

A tall tale, by Monsieur d’Nalgar, inspired by reading this rubbish:   Everyone agreed afterwards that it was likely the strangest prayer meeting what ever done was. It happened during one cold winter evening at the First Tally-ho Taliban…  [more]

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Admonitions of Sol Alinsky

Prayer for progressives

Dear editor: A compliment to Judy Gallagher for her letter to the editor recently. Judy punctured the thin gruel of character assassination practiced by our coterie of progressive writers, with grace and elegant style. Evidently there is…  [more]

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Very Rare Pictures of Beirut

The following images and text were copied from a Powerpoint attachment to an email forwarded by Ray Close on4/6/2013. Enjoy this glimpse of a magical Beirut that is no more...

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