Connected solely by religion

The Jewish people’s ultimate treasure hunt

By , Dec.28, 2012 9:12 AM   “Just imagine a group of blind people who encounter an elephant for the first time in their lives. They place their hands on it and…  [more]

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Prophylactic self-censorship

Hagel, the lobby and the limits of power

By Muhammad Idrees Ahmad, 28 Dec 2012 11:43   You have to do no more than watch this attack ad produced by the neoconservative pressure group the Emergency Committee for Israel  [more]

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The truest answer

Why, God?

By , December 25, 2012   When my friend Robin was dying, she asked me if I knew a priest she could talk to who would not be, as she put it, “too judgmental.” I knew  [more]

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Into a land of lies and distortions

The idolatry of the gun

By , 06:49 PM ET, 12/21/2012   In their first extended statements since the mass shooting in Newton, Conn., National Rifle Association representatives, advocated armed guards in schools. In their mind,…  [more]

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Terror, terror, terror, terror

A word of advice about the Middle East – we’ve reached the ‘tipping point’ with cliches

By Robert Fisk, Sunday 23 December 2012   Remember the days when we thought Egypt’s path to democracy was a done deal? Western-trained  [more]

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The poet of God

What would Jesus think of Christmas today?

By Yasmin Alibhai Brown, Sunday 23 December 2012   A young man ran after me and tried in vain to get some change as I dashed through the doors of Bafta in…  [more]

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Shock and anxiety syndrome

The disproportionate value of Israeli life

By Belen Fernandez, 22 Dec 2012 13:03   Following the conclusion of Operation “Pillar of Defence”, Israel’s latest bout of terror in Gaza, Israeli journalist Gideon Levy wrote in Ha’aretz: Since  [more]

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