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Dec 04 2012
Nostalgic for the values that existed
Both Arab and Jew lived in the original Palestine. Why, Moshe Dayan asks, can’t they do so again?
By Robert Fisk, Sunday 2 December 2012 “I was born here and I have a right to live here – the… [more]Permanent link to this article:
Dec 01 2012
Bloody science
Sod the scientific warnings – here’s why I’ll keep on running
By Kerry McCarthy, Saturday 1 December 2012 06.00 EST Bloody science. For a discipline that’s supposed to be all about accuracy and provable facts, you never know… [more]Permanent link to this article:
Nov 27 2012
A wise and gentle old man
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Nov 20 2012
A peace beyond all peace
Israel demands our support because it fights its ‘war against terrorists’ in our name
By Robert Fisk, Tuesday 20 November 2012 Enough is enough. Now we have even “National Infrastructure” Minister Uzi Landau – one of my favourite dogsbodies… [more]Permanent link to this article:
Nov 20 2012
What are you doing about all of this?
Do pictures of children killed in Gaza force us to face a gruesome reality?
By Giles Fraser, Tuesday 20 November 2012 08.20 EST Let’s start slowly, carefully, with what can be said. Photographs show four small children dead … [more]Permanent link to this article:
Nov 19 2012
The only rational resistance
Israel’s ‘right to self-defense’ – a tremendous propaganda victory
By Amira Hass, Nov.19, 2012 4:06 AM One of Israel’s tremendous propaganda victories is that it has been accepted as a victim of the Palestinians, both in the view… [more]Permanent link to this article: