Conjuring alternate realities

Romney Is President

By Mareen Dowd, November 10, 2012   It makes sense that Mitt Romney and his advisers are still gobsmacked by the fact that they’re not commandeering the West Wing. (Though, as “The Daily Show” correspondent John Oliver…  [more]

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Our adversarial, watchdog media in action

CNN claims Iran shot at a US drone, revealing the news network’s mindset

By , Thursday 8 November 2012 16.08 EST   Barbara Starr, CNN’s Pentagon reporter (more accurately known as: the Pentagon’s reporter at CNN),…  [more]

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The tyranny of a metaphor

Heartbeat: My Involuntary Miscarriage and ‘Voluntary Abortion’ in Ohio

By , 11/01/2012 10:30 am   On June 19, the state of Ohio declared that I had a voluntary abortion. My rabbi and my doctors disagreed. I simply wanted…  [more]

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Politically convenient

How Evangelicals Decided That Life Begins at Conception

By , 11/05/2012  4:34 pm   In the late 1960s and early 1970s, evangelical Christians widely believed the Bible says life begins at birth and supported looser abortion policies. That…  [more]

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Oh ga-lory!

  Well, we finally did it. My wife and I decided to go see the most wholly reverend Dwain Miller of Eldorado, Arkansas, in the flesh. We have just returned and I have three words of prophecy for you: OH-MY-GAWD!…  [more]

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On Tuesday we’ll decide


By , 11/03/2012  2:07 pm   By now, in these last remaining days before the election of 2012, we have learned enough about the beliefs of the Republican presidential candidate to see them as a worldview all…  [more]

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Go figure

1 Not-So-Simple, Pretty Funny Question for the 73% of White Evangelicals Who Will Apparently Be Voting for Romney

By Frank Schaeffer, October 31, 2012   According to polls  73 percent of WHITE evangelicals will be voting for Mitt Romney.…  [more]

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