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Sep 29 2012
Deep level creepy
Warrantless Electronic Surveillance Surges Under Obama Justice Department
By Matt Sledge, 09/28/2012 9:52 pm EDT The Obama administration has overseen a sharp increase in the number of people subjected to warrantless electronic surveillance of their telephone, email and… [more]Permanent link to this article:
Sep 29 2012
Jeremiad of a radical ideologue
Bibi’s Crazy UN Speech
By Justin Raimondo, September 28, 2012 It’s no wonder the Israeli Foreign Ministry initially held back from releasing a transcript of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to the UN General Assembly: Bibi’s wackiness doesn’t bear… [more]Permanent link to this article:
Sep 28 2012
Pic = 1K words
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Sep 28 2012
The need to generalise
Why ‘they’ still don’t hate ‘us’
By Mark LeVine, 26 Sep 2012 08:07 I knew the title to my second book would be Why They Don’t Hate Us before the last embers of what had been the World… [more]Permanent link to this article:
Sep 23 2012
Flying Jihad Terror Babies invade America
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Sep 23 2012
Reality is far more complex and nuanced
Don’t let extremists determine we are in a ‘clash of civilizations’
By Khaled Diab, Sep.23, 2012 11:35 AM Karl Marx once said that history repeats itself: first as tragedy, then as farce. The riots and Iranian fatwa calling… [more]Permanent link to this article: