The pieces are all in place

The persecution of John Kiriakou

By Peter Van Buren, 23 Sep 2012 12:35   Here is what military briefers like to call BLUF, the Bottom Line Up Front: no one except John Kiriakou is being held accountable for America’s…  [more]

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In defiance of messy reality

The ‘Jesus’s wife’ papyrus reveals another version of the Christian story

By , Wednesday 19 September 2012 13.30 EDT   Our sources for the ancient past are often the merest shreds and patches, and peculiarly challenging is to…  [more]

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More in common than they think

The truth about Muhammad and Aisha

By , Monday 17 September 2012 09.00 EDT   Writing about Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, the Orientalist scholar W Montgomery Watt wrote: “Of all the world’s great men, none has been…  [more]

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Follow Him

Peace Be Upon You

By , Friday, Sept. 14, 2012, at 4:57 PM ET   Dear Muslims, Christians, Hindus, and Jews, You’re living in the age of the Internet. Your religion will be mocked, and the mockery will…  [more]

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How radical and warped

Guantanamo prisoner’s tragic letter

By , Sunday, Sep 16, 2012 09:00 AM CDT   Adnan Latif was found dead in his cell on September 10, 2012, just a day before the eleventh anniversary of 9/11. He was 32.…  [more]

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Some are guilty, but all are responsible

The forgotten massacre

By Robert Fisk, Saturday 15 September 2012   The memories remain, of course. The man who lost his family in an earlier massacre, only to watch the young men of Chatila lined up after the new killings…  [more]

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A gentle strength that transcends

My Take: It’s time for Islamophobic evangelicals to choose

By Brian McLaren, September 15th, 2012   I was raised as an evangelical Christian in America, and any discussion of Christian-Jewish-Muslim relations around the world must include the phenomenon of American…  [more]

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