Real patriots fix problems

America in denial: We’re number 29 (of 30)

By Paul Rosenberg, 19 Jul 2012 09:51   Responding to the jingoism around the First Gulf War, Andrew Shapiro’s 1992 book, We’re Number One!: Where America Stands – and Falls –  [more]

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Please. Stop. Now.

Why I’ve Stopped Singing in Your Church

By , July 15, 2012   I love music. Truly I do. I love to sing. But you wouldn’t know it on Sunday morning when I’m visiting your church. I’m not…  [more]

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Can you get a rash?

The bane of Bain and Mitt Romney’s diminishing tax returns

By , Wednesday 18 July 2012 18.06 EDT   It’s been a long week for Governor Guess-My-Worthiness: Mitt Romney. For those of you too busy collecting a  [more]

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A ploy to remain relevant

Bachmann defends her witch hunt

By , Monday, Jul 16, 2012 04:07 PM CDT   Rep. Michele Bachmann defended her attempt to root out “deep penetration” by the Muslim Brotherhood into the U.S. government Friday, writing a 16-page  [more]

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Delusions of grandeur, coupled with paranoia

Confronting Pamela Geller

By , 07/13/2012  7:14 am   “As a Jew, I am offended to my core. Muslims have no right to invoke Moses and Abraham. This is a delegitimization of Judaism. It is offensive and vile.…  [more]

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Understand what’s at stake


The real battle in 2012

By Robert Reich, Thursday, Jul 12, 2012 08:41 AM CDT   It’s not merely Republicans versus Democrats, or conservatives versus liberals. The larger battle is between regressives and progressives. Regressives want to take…  [more]

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Poor and white in this part of the world

Woody Guthrie at 100: the return of a pariah

By , Thursday 12 July 2012 16.30 EDT   The construction team that kept hammering away all night outside my hotel window in downtown Tulsa are gone by the…  [more]

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