Freedom, justice and peace in the world

A Cruel and Unusual Record

By Jimmy Carter, June 24, 2012   The United States is abandoning its role as the global champion of human rights. Revelations that top officials are targeting people to be assassinated abroad, including American citizens,…  [more]

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Trojan horse for the New World Order

Alabama defeats communism with anti-sustainability law

By , Saturday, Jun 23, 2012 11:00 AM CDT   With chronic budget shortfalls, dangerously overcrowded prisons and the nation’s biggest municipal bankruptcy filing, we here in Alabama have a lot…  [more]

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A man born long before his time

Morsi is no revolutionary and not much of a nationalist. The army elite has already laid traps for him

By Robert Fisk, Monday 25 June 2012   While 50 million Egyptians were waiting yesterday to hear that they had elected…  [more]

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Friend of the working man

Mitt Romney, Outsourced

By Charles P. Pierce, June 22 2012 at 10:46AM   This vast new Washington Post report about how Willard  Romney and his money-chewing friends got really wealthy by investing in companies dedicated to  shipping American jobs…  [more]

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Completely unappeasable

What the Gobshites Are Saying: Fast & Spurious Edition

By Charles P. Pierce, June 20 2012 at 1:35PM   [tube][/tube] Well, we seem to have a real rage-gasm on our hands now. The president has gone and said …  [more]

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By Monsieur d’Nalgar, June 22, 2012 CE   “Ludicrous” — an online dictionary defines it as something laughable, ridiculous, idiotic or unthinkable, often to the point of being funny. Examples abound… +++ Ludicrous is men telling women what they can…  [more]

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Self-critical vigilance

Gitta Sereny led us through our own darkness

By , Tuesday 19 June 2012 10.57 EDT   “‘My conscience is clear about what I did myself,’ he said, in the same stiffly spoken words he has used countless…  [more]

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