They have thoughts of their own

‘Silence is a lovely idea’ – so why have churches become so noisy?

By , Friday 22 June 2012 06.03 EDT   Silence is like forgiveness. Many would say it’s a lovely idea, until they have to do…  [more]

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Chaplains of the status quo

Christians and the Kill List

By William Alberts, June 19, 2012   In broad daylight, without a Christian murmur, President Obama has placed a “kill list” on the altar of “American values.”  An unconstitutional, international law-violating, indifferent to innocent civilians,…  [more]

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A professional Islamophobe

Oh, look at that: National Review publishes racist nut

By , Tuesday, Jun 19, 2012 03:18 PM CDT   Remember how we were all so proud of the National Review for eventually firing or cutting ties with most  [more]

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Such a stench

Monster Mosques and Muslim Madness

By , 06/19/2012 11:49 am   At 41,000 square feet, the recently completed Old Apostolic Lutheran worship center in Woodland, Wash., surely classifies as a “mega church.” The two-story edifice includes two lobbies,…  [more]

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Boom, boom!

Tourists venture to West Bank to ‘shoot terrorists’

By Akiva Novick, 06.18.12, 13:31   Summer camp, warfare style: Like a frozen turkey plunged into boiling oil, a group of American tourists descend from an air-conditioned van into the scorching heat…  [more]

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Always in alliance with despots against liberty

David Barton’s Jefferson

By Martin E. Marty, April 30, 2012   Our premier historian of late colonial and early republican America, Gordon Wood, while reviewing a book on Roger Williams warms up readers with references to Thomas Jefferson. “It’s easy…  [more]

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Bible Believers

Christian missionary group with pig’s head taunt Arab-Americans at Dearborn festival

By Niraj Warikoo, 12:59 PM, June 16, 2012   Tensions flared Friday evening at the annual Arab International Festival in Dearborn as members of some Christian missionary groups…  [more]

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