On January 6, 2016, Dr. Jack Sternberg wrote yet another letter to the editor in the Sentinel Record, titled “Diatribes, not answers.” Doctor Jack always includes, after his medical credentials, that he is chairman of the “Garland County TEA Party.” Whether his letters speak on behalf of all its members or not, I cannot tell, but it is likely that there are few who stray far afield from the sentiments expressed in his frequent emanations. This last letter was patently silly and particularly whiny. And begs ridicule. My brief response follows but, first, here’s how his letter began (if you are a masochist you may read his entire letter in the comments following):
“How can I respond in 500 words to the four Sunday letters supposedly written in response to my previous letter? Many accusations were hurled at me and other conservatives in these four letters along with a few written errors.”

The good doctor-chairman complains that he cannot adequately explain himself within the constraints of this newspaper’s 500-word limit, but let’s see if we cannot concisely summarize the essence of all recent regressive rants:
God good. Guns good. Baby Jesus good. God bless Bibi Netanyahu and George Bush. War good. Torture good. Ronald Reagan very, very good.
Liberals bad. Mike and Bill and George bad. College professors bad. Muslims bad. Sermon on the Mount Jesus bad (or at least never mentioned in polite company). Obama Muslim. Ergo, Obama bad. And stupid. And a liar.
There! Less than 100 words… Oh, a few more things. America good. America exceptional. Founding fathers all good, fundamentalist Christians. Ipso facto, America Christian. Never criticize America. Love America, or leave it.
Guess that puts us at around 160 words, by the time we finally wind things down. And even good folk afflicted with sesquipedalophobia (or even the less serious hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia) can likely follow along.
Monsieur d’Nalgar
Hot Springs, Arkansas
Here’s the entire letter:
This is the version that finally made it to press (today, Thursday, January 21, 2016), under the title “‘Flummery’ frenzy”. It is sweet surrender to my acute addiction to alliteration although, in my defense, I refrained from including “redneck” and “racist”…