Category: America

Smells like TEA

Old Ron Paul Video Warns of One-World Religion, UN Dictatorship By Tim Murphy, Tue Dec. 27, 2011 3:05 AM PST … Rep. Ron Paul’s presidential campaign has run into trouble recently after national media refocused on decades-old racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, and deeply conspiratorial articles published under Paul’s name (and at least occasionally under his signature) …

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See how easy this is?

The Muslim Test: How To Expose The Hypocrisy Of The Religious Right By Justin “Filthy Liberal Scum” Rosario, December 27, 2011 … One of the more ridiculous talking points of the Right is that America was founded by devout Christians. Christians that, despite living centuries ago, believe and hate all the same things that today’s …

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Special clearance

Muslim Brotherhood Taking Over America, Six Hour FBI Meeting By Victoria Jackson, 12/27/11 08:19 AM ET … Former “Saturday Night Live” actress Victoria Jackson, working on confidential information she as a web talk show host has special clearance to obtain, has claimed that the United States is being overtaken by radical Muslims bent on bringing …

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The well is deep

The Means Determine the End By Harry Emerson Fosdick, Living Under Tension, 1941, Harper and Brothers, New York and London, pages 102 – 111. … EVERYONE knows how commonly our high determinations peter out. We resolve that we will overcome some unfortunate habit, will have a lovelier family life, will deepen our friendships, will do better …

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With us always

Why we still can’t talk about slavery By Peter Birkenhead, Tuesday, Dec 27, 2011 12:00 PM 13:11:06 CST … The menu at the Cabin was long, one of those unwieldy, laminated mega-menus that grace the tables of roadside diners and chalets everywhere, and reflected a classic attention to theme (gumbo burger, gumbo omelet, gumbo). If …

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Fully entitled to ask

Romney’s Mormon Problem By Christopher Hitchens, Monday, Oct. 17, 2011, at 11:05 AM ET … I have no clear idea whether Pastor Robert Jeffress is correct in referring to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, more colloquially known as the Mormons, as “a cult.” There do seem to be one or two points …

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Choose your theocracy

Ultra-Orthodox spit on “immodest” 8-year-old girl in Beit Shemesh By Ami Kaufman, Sunday, December 25 2011 … Naama Margolis, an 8-year-old from Bet Shemesh, is the most famous girl in Israel today… …   …read entire story at +972 Magazine: or   And why is that? Well, on Friday evening, Naama told her …

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