Category: America

War’s price tag

 Pretend for a moment the war is occurring in a vacuum and we’re not even considering the cost to Iraq and its neighbors.  According to an article published today in New Statesman, the cost for the war and for caring for our wounded and for the tangential impacts, such as the cost of oil, will eventually …

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Baptists in Levantium

 Interesting history.  Thank you very much.  I’m curious, because it wasn’t mentioned in the article and perhaps wasn’t germane, but how much Baptist work in Israel/Palestine is with Jewish (secular and confessing) persons and how much is with non-Jewish (i.e., Arab Christians and Muslims and non-Arab visiting pilgrims/tourists) persons?  What are the ratios?  Maybe I’ve …

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Pray for the little ones

The concluding paragraph of Fisk’s end-of-year summary: If Lebanon survives into next year, it will be the only “democracy” in the Arab world to have done so. Afghanistan is crumbling, Iraq is already a mass grave. The Palestinians face their own inter-factional catastrophe. But desperate for the help of Syria and Iran to ease his …

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Over the years, I’ve run into lots of people who passed through the artillery school at Ft. Sill.  One of the most memorable was Jim Byrnes, at a small blues bar in Vancouver, BC.  By the way, I made a grevious mistake in an earlier post.  The official creed of the Church of Harmonic Convergence was “So, …

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Random thought

To my pastor:  Here’s one more observation that I meant to include the other day, but it slipped away before I could write it down.  This is an example of eschatology in action.  Not mine, but I thought of you when I heard this… A few days before the election, an angry American preacher was interviewed on …

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To my pastor

It’s been a while since I’ve written you directly.  I’ve included you on a few other things that I thought you might be interested in, but I’ve fallen behind in rattling your cage.  Or mine.  It’s all a matter of perspective… First, I enjoyed the sermon today.  Not often that you hear Darfur mentioned from …

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Space: the final affront

I’ve been thinking about your theory lately, that the never-ending war in Iraq exists because GW needs/wants to avenge his father’s honor after Uncle Saddam tried to kill him (can’t imagine why, can you?)…  It’s an interesting idea, but I just can’t accept that a US President can order the world’s most lethal military into action on …

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