Category: America

Boarders are under attack

Wants country back   Dear editor: I awake every morning to a day of my president dismantling another part of our society. I have tried to ignore the effect he could have on the country, because he is only one man, right? Unfortunately, like me, there are too many people that feel the same way. …

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84 people a day

America needs to talk about gun control in the wake of the Colorado shooting By Gary Younge, Friday 20 July 2012 13.40 EDT   The chorus of empathetic responses to the tragic shootings at the Aurora movie theater, near Denver, Colorado early Friday morning marks a stubborn refrain in a perennial American elegy. Different singers …

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Real patriots fix problems

America in denial: We’re number 29 (of 30) By Paul Rosenberg, 19 Jul 2012 09:51   Responding to the jingoism around the First Gulf War, Andrew Shapiro’s 1992 book, We’re Number One!: Where America Stands – and Falls – in the New World Order was a sober-minded reality check on how the US really measured …

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Can you get a rash?

The bane of Bain and Mitt Romney’s diminishing tax returns By Lizz Winstead, Wednesday 18 July 2012 18.06 EDT   It’s been a long week for Governor Guess-My-Worthiness: Mitt Romney. For those of you too busy collecting a six-figure paycheck for a job you no longer do, this is a reminder that it’s Day Five …

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A ploy to remain relevant

Bachmann defends her witch hunt By Alex Seitz-Wald, Monday, Jul 16, 2012 04:07 PM CDT   Rep. Michele Bachmann defended her attempt to root out “deep penetration” by the Muslim Brotherhood into the U.S. government Friday, writing a 16-page letter explaining and expanding on her initial charges against Huma Abedin and others of being terrorist …

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Delusions of grandeur, coupled with paranoia

Confronting Pamela Geller By Harris Zafar, 07/13/2012  7:14 am   “As a Jew, I am offended to my core. Muslims have no right to invoke Moses and Abraham. This is a delegitimization of Judaism. It is offensive and vile. And while Jesus is not my guy, the same thing goes for him. It is a …

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Understand what’s at stake

[tube][/tube] The real battle in 2012 By Robert Reich, Thursday, Jul 12, 2012 08:41 AM CDT   It’s not merely Republicans versus Democrats, or conservatives versus liberals. The larger battle is between regressives and progressives. Regressives want to take this nation backward — to before Social Security, unemployment insurance, and Medicare; before civil rights …

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