Category: America


Defining Jews, Defining a Nation: Can Genetics Save Israel? By Jeff Wheelwright, Mar 14 2012, 7:01 AM ET … Herzliya, a broad-beached ocean-side resort 10 miles north of Tel Aviv, is booming with construction — big hotels going up on the bluffs and expensive new bungalows on the bougainvillea-laden streets. Herzliya was named for Theodor …

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Alternative to Futility

Elton Trueblood on the Quaker experiment: a continuous ferment By Monsieur d’Nalgar … (Note: this is adapted from an email to my pastor written in July 2006.)  About a week ago, I found a small book (or it found me) by Elton Trueblood.  Written in 1948, it was titled “Alternative to Futility.”  I met Dr. Trueblood in …

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Happy Easter!

20 things Jesus never said Observations on the life of faith from a candidate for the Office of Teaching Elder in the Presbyterian Church (USA), April 4, 2012 … Do you see that water over there? I’m about to turn it into grape juice. Upon this rock I will build my megachurch. Call me. I …

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God, who has chosen us

We have not survived Pharaoh By Yossi Sarid, 02:16 06.04.12 … From Passover 1968 to Passover 2012 not much has changed. It feels, in fact, like 44 years have not gone by since we celebrated the first festival of freedom after the Six Day war. There is nothing new under Hebron’s crazy sun, under its …

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Ghosts of its own history

An illustrated account of the 1949 coup—possibly CIA-assisted—that plunged the country into decades of political turmoil.

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Time to move along now…

A prayer for America By Monsieur d’Nalgar … I supposed it is heresy to ask, but why do we (the people) treat our Constitution as a sacred relic? You’d think it was holier than George Washington’s ossified kneebone. Or written by the bearded Almighty on the backside of the Ten Commandments. And rumor has it …

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Everyone roses

Palm Sunday lessons from an unlikely Pontius Pilate By James Martin S.J., 10:16 PM ET, 03/31/2012 … The story of the trial, crucifixion and death of Jesus of Nazareth, which is recited, sung and often acted out in churches on Palm Sunday, speaks for itself. This is one reason why preachers are encouraged keep their …

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