Category: Christianity

Boarders are under attack

Wants country back   Dear editor: I awake every morning to a day of my president dismantling another part of our society. I have tried to ignore the effect he could have on the country, because he is only one man, right? Unfortunately, like me, there are too many people that feel the same way. …

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Please. Stop. Now.

Why I’ve Stopped Singing in Your Church By Bill Blankschaen, July 15, 2012   I love music. Truly I do. I love to sing. But you wouldn’t know it on Sunday morning when I’m visiting your church. I’m not talking to all of you, of course. I’m sure many churches, maybe even yours, get it …

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Delusions of grandeur, coupled with paranoia

Confronting Pamela Geller By Harris Zafar, 07/13/2012  7:14 am   “As a Jew, I am offended to my core. Muslims have no right to invoke Moses and Abraham. This is a delegitimization of Judaism. It is offensive and vile. And while Jesus is not my guy, the same thing goes for him. It is a …

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A man’s place

10 reasons Why Men Should Not Be Ordained For Ministry By Eugene Cho, 04-30-2012 4:34pm   In light of some recent intense posts – Ultimate Fighting Jesus and Conversation with Rob Bell (re: women in ministry), this list is too funny not to share. But the brutal fact is that the matter of gender violence …

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The list ain’t pretty

Ten Cliches Christians Should Never Use By Christian Piatt, 07-06-2012 9:03am   We Christians have a remarkable talent for sticking our feet in our mouths. When searching the words most commonly associated with “Christian,” the list ain’t pretty. I think part of this can be attributed to a handful of phrases that, if stricken from our …

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Standard Tea Party agitprop

Dinesh D’Souza’s “2016″: Feature-length Obama hate By Mariah Blake, Friday, Jul  6, 2012 06:45 AM CDT   Dinesh D’Souza knows the value of a good controversy. After all, he has made a career of lobbing ideological hand grenades. In 2010, for instance, he published a book and an article in Forbes arguing that Barack Obama …

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They like authority

Religious right’s new rivals By Sarah Posner, Wednesday, Jul  4, 2012 03:30 PM CDT   At the Iowa Republican State Convention earlier this month, Ron Paul supporters walked away with 23 of the 28 delegates headed to the Republican National Convention in August. This effort, which Paul enthusiasts also have pulled off in Minnesota, Maine …

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