Category: Christianity

Indistinguishable from the lunatic fringe

Satanazis III: Night of the Satanazis By Fred Clark, April 25, 2012 … Don’t imagine you’re safe just because Pat Robertson, Demon Hunter, is on the job. Sure, Robertson’s Age-Defying Shakes give him the strength to leg-press 1,000 pounds, but that won’t be enough when the Satanic baby-killers and the Nazis join forces to create …

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Coordinated, systematic racial discrimination

Christians of the Holy Land By Ben White, 26 Apr 2012 06:36 … A recent report by CBS show 60 Minutes on “Christians of the Holy Land” has received a lot of attention, not least for the embarrassing contribution by Israeli Ambassador to the US Michael Oren. It is interesting that Israel (and its advocates) …

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Climate change in Arkansas

[tube][/tube] … The following was just emailed to John Lowery, a Democratic assemblyman for District 6 of the Arkansas State Legislature. – Monsieur d’Nalgar … From: [Jacques d’Nalgar] Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2012 1:04 PM To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Subject: Climate change in Arkansas April 26, 2012 The honorable Representative John Lowery Arkansas State Legislature, …

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Brobdingnagian quantity of evidence

“Oklahoma City”: The Bubba job By Laura Miller, Sunday, Apr 22, 2012 03:00 PM CDT … In the hours after the 1995 bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, cable news breathlessly reported that authorities were searching for three Middle Eastern men supposedly seen fleeing the scene. True, this was just two years …

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Stars of David. Everywhere.

Being a Jew in Palestine By Beth Miller, April 20, 2012 … The first people I told were Safa and Imad. Good friends, they lived near me  in the Aida Refugee Camp and invited me for lunch every Friday. I knew they were  religious Muslims. Imad had told me that Israeli soldiers had killed his …

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To kick at the darkness

Speaking Out Is Complicated (And So Is Staying Silent) By Brian D. McLaren, 04/14/2012  6:40 am … For 24 years of my life, I was a church planter and pastor. At the beginning of those years, I would have gladly called myself an Evangelical. But those years coincided with the rise of the Religious Right, …

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He has been warned

When Mormons were socialists By Troy Williams, Sunday, Apr 15, 2012 1:00 PM 15:54:47 CDT … “You are cursed because of your riches!” It was a bummer message that nobody wanted to hear. Samuel the Lamanite stood alone atop the great wall of the city of Zarahemla to warn the inhabitants of their pending destruction. …

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