Category: Christianity

An intriguing excursion

Calling all ultimate missionaries to Israel By Belén Fernández, September 2, 2011 at 12:31 pm … I first learned of an intriguing excursion known as “The Ultimate Mission to Israel” in 2009 while perusing an article on the website of the Jerusalem Post. The article, which outlined Israel’s sudden concern for the fate of UNIFIL …

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A moral pollution that follows

Fear of Islam: a study By Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite, Aug 30, 2011 11:13 AM … The Center for American Progress has just released an extensive report, Fear, Inc.: The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America, detailing the “funders, organizations, and individuals who have contributed to the discourse on Islamophobia in this country. ” As …

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Taking advantage of the Holocaust

Polish-Jewish sociologist compares West Bank separation fence to Warsaw Ghetto walls By Roman Frister, 01:05 01.09.11 … Sygmunt Bauman, the Jewish sociologist and one of the greatest philosophers of our time, castigated Israel harshly this week, saying it did not want peace and was afraid of it. Bauman said Israel was “taking advantage of the …

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It hates the federal

The Tea Party has a point about religion and the founding fathers By Theo Hobson, Wednesday 31 August 2011 12.30 BST … There’s a presidential election coming up and, what do you know, the religious right is going to be a pretty important factor. It’s time to brush up on all that separation of church …

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A bit of levity from my friend Sharifah… … A paraprosdokian (plural paraprosdokians), from the Ancient Greek παρά (para, “against”) + προσδοκία (prosdokia, “expectation”), is a figure of speech in which the latter part of a sentence or phrase is surprising or unexpected; frequently used in a humorous situation. … Do not argue with an idiot. He …

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Politics of hate

Who funds Muslim-baiting in the US? By MJ Rosenberg, 27 Aug 2011 13:21 … It has been just about a decade since Islamophobia exploded in this country. That was of moment that the World Trade Center and Pentagon were hit by al Qaeda terrorists. It existed prior to 9/11, but the losses that day and …

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On a hill far away

…stood an old rugged cross, the emblem of suffering and shame. (from a hymn by George Bennard, 1873-1958) … For at least the last two thousand years, Jerusalem (Yerushaláyim or al-Quds) has been in the business of building tourist attractions for religious pilgrims.  Shiny, hi-tech Davidson Center, not far from the spot Constantine’s mother pegged as Golgotha, …

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