Category: Culture

Peace will come with justice

The cult of atheist Zionism posing as Judaism By Rich Siegel, January 1, 2012   This essay was first published in Beyond Tribal Loyalties: Personal Stories of Jewish Peace Activists, edited by Avigail Abarbanel (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012), used with permission.   I consider myself a cult survivor. I was raised in the cult of …

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You got played.

Donald, This I Will Tell You By Maureen Dowd, March 25, 2017   WASHINGTON — Dear Donald, We’ve known each other a long time, so I think I can be blunt. You know how you said at campaign rallies that you did not like being identified as a politician? Don’t worry. No one will ever …

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The greatest case for Atheism

    Support for Graham   Dear editor: In his last letter (Friday, March 17), “Doc” Crawford thinks that I would have to have “a twisted mind” to believe that God was responsible for electing Donald Trump as our president. Well, he also should say the exact same thing about the Rev. Franklin, who is …

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Even greater news

No, God Doesn’t Bless America By John Pavlovitz, July 3, 2016   No, this isn’t the kind of inflammatory, fear-fueled message that lots of Evangelical pastors prefer to major in these days. It’s not some doom and gloom, sky-is-falling, bullhorn warning that God is ticked-off at America and is doing terrible things to us because …

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How many shades of gray?

Martin McGuinness dies: The ‘super-terrorist who became a super-statesman – like so many others By Robert Fisk, Tuesday 21 March 2017 07:45 GMT   Martin McGuinness followed along the familiar trail of so many enemies of Britain’s weary colonial history. A “super-terrorist” becomes a super-statesman. Jomo Kenyatta comes to mind. And Archbishop Makarios. And of …

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And I’m pro-life!

And Jesus Said Unto Paul of Ryan… By Nicholas Kristof, March 16, 2017   A woman who had been bleeding for 12 years came up behind Jesus and touched his clothes in hope of a cure. Jesus turned to her and said: “Fear not. Because of your faith, you are now healed.” Then spoke Pious …

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Mad as a March hare

Alas, it seems our local newspaper, the Sentinel Record, is determined to make Hot Springs known more for its wingnut provincials than as an international tourist trap. The following article was front-page, above the fold, in today’s Sunday edition. Read it and weep. These people really believe that Trump and Jesus are two sides of …

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