Category: Culture

Mission accomplished

Peter Schrank’s cartoon in today’s Independent News.

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From today’s New York Times.

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A Dangerous New Threat

  This young Jewish PhD candidate at the University of Chicago has written what I believe is an extremely insightful and timely essay — one that merits the urgent attention and concern of leaders in the fields of politics, religion and academia, not just in America and Europe, but in Israel, as well.  Monsieur d’Nalgar: …

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Sarah Palin’s July 18 tweet re. the “Ground Zero” mosque is a wonderfully concise (albeit disgusting) example of how Republicans use every trivial tempest du jour to exploit Americans’ barely latent (if it really is) racism and xenophobia for political gain: Peace-seeking Muslims, pls understand, Ground Zero mosque is UNNECESSARY provocation; it stabs hearts. Pls reject it in …

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Arrogance and ignorance, together again, in this letter to the editor: Don’t call it “Ground Zero” Dear editor: The following was sent to Mayor Michael Bloomberg, New York City, and Newt Gingrich, whose political committee is American Solutions for Winning the Future. “How many Frenchmen does it take to defend Paris? No one knows! It has never been …

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Smoke & fire

 The prior entry (about the “Wonderful” poster at Maxine’s) elicited this prompt response from my also-gracious Norwegian friend Børre after I instroduced it with, “Here is a reminder that [even in the middle of Arkansas] the world’s best propaganda apparatus cannot block out every glimmer of truth:” [Jacques], I don’t disagree with your interpretation of “a glimmer of  …

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Come tumble down

The first Friday of every month is Gallery Walk in Hot Springs, when the downtown art galleries stay open late.  We were strolling along Central Avenue when this poster in the window of Maxine’s caught my eye.  I went back tonight and Agnes, the Polish proprietress graciously offered this copy…

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