Folksinger John McCutcheon’s “Christmas in the Trenches” — The following is from Jim Wallis’ ( weekly email: Silent Night, by Stanley Weintraub, is the story of Christmas Eve, 1914, on the World War I battlefield in Flanders. As the German, British, and French troops facing each other were settling in for the night, a …
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Nov 13 2008
Think race wasn’t an issue? 16% of the people who voted for McCain said they would have voted for Hillary had she been in the race. 21% of those admitted race was a factor, but 96% of that 16% were either white or Hispanic, so go figure… Sounds like the Bradley Effect is still alive and well in America.
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Nov 02 2008
Caesar or God?
To my pastor: Appreciated today’s reminder that God is still sovereign, even if Americans don’t vote for Obama. I wish you could have reminded people to try to rise above any lingering racism or other prejudices when deciding to vote. And to consider a broader, holistic what-would-Jesus-do approach to voting rather than the myriad single-issue, divide-and-conquer strategies being peddled every …
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Oct 12 2008
So long Charley
Dear editor: Molly Ivins is long gone and Charley Reese has thrown in the towel. All we’re left with now are the sanitized opinions of neocon apologists like Rich Lowrey, who just happens to be editor of the arch-conservative National Review. There are still a few good writers out there but you’ll have to scour …
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Sep 04 2008
Labor Day has always had a double meaning for my family. Twenty-four years ago and two weeks earlier than expected, my wife went into labor on Labor Day, and the next day Jennifer was born. It was the last time my children were ever early for anything… We just spent the Labor Day weekend visiting my daughter …
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Sep 03 2008
Trophy Vice
Maureen Dowd’s column today calls her a “Trophy Vice.” If anyone harbors the fantasy that Sarah Palin is a self-made political success, they need to read a piece in the NYT titled “Palin’s Start in Alaska: Not Politics as Usual.” Perhaps I’m guilty of seeing a Rovian/Gingrichian conspiracy behind every rising Republican star, but it …
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Aug 24 2008
Layers (part 2)
For me, this is probably the work that got the Israeli PR thinkers to seeing the possibilities for a beautiful friendship between Zionism and fundamentalism: Hal Lindsey’s 1970 “The Late, Great Planet Earth.” I remember hearing about this while we were still in high school, and wondering what in the hell kind of foolishness …
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