Category: Culture

Somebody please tell me I’m wrong…

During our long, rainy drive home after Thanksgiving, my wife and I got bored and started channel-hopping on the radio.  We stopped for a while on the “Patriot” channel, long enough to catch up with what’s going on in the paranoid, squishy fringes of Der Homeland’s right-wing. Or what we call the mainstream of the …

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Their own culpability

How the United States helped create the Islamic State By Juan Cole, November 23   Did the Bush administration’s invasion of Iraq in 2003 lead to our current crisis over the Islamic State? The question has been posed baldly in this campaign season, as when a young woman at a campaign rally said to GOP …

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Original sin

The Politics of Thanksgiving Day By William Loren Katz, November 26, 2014   With family excitement building with the approach of Thanksgiving, you would never know November was Native American History Month. We would do well to recognize Native American resistance to colonialism on Thanksgiving instead of the myths about Native American dinner with Pilgrims. …

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An almost Kafkaesque reality

Part 1:  I am so tired of having to explain why Palestinians deserve to live By Dina Elmuti, November 19, 2015   Every day, I desperately attempt to make sense of the senseless. I feverishly try to patch and weave together the pieces of history to understand and grapple with the calamities that have bestowed …

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Historians and other nincompoops

Whoa there, David Cameron! Haste and rhetoric is no recipe for peace By Robert Fisk, Sunday 22 November 2015 19:28 BST   Eisenhower famously sent some brusque advice to Anthony Eden in 1956 when he decided that Britain’s deceitful war in Egypt should come to an end. “Whoa, boy!” were his words. And they should …

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Oh brother where art thou?

    Dear editor, Oh my little brother, where art thou NOW?!  Week after week your letters, pregnant with petulant, prattling preachery raging against the black man in the White House, parade your naked paranoia and your ponderous morality for all to see.  Who anointed you and your amen corner arbiters of who is — …

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Zara’u fa akalna, nazra’u fa ya’kulun

Stories My Father Told Me By Helen Zughaib with Elia Kamal Zughaib, November/December 2015     Charity and Compassion When Jiddu told my father this story, he prefaced it by saying his father had told it to him and he must never forget it, and that is how he told it to me. Once there …

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