Category: Culture

Going down the road

Why Get Donkey? By Ben “Swamp Donkey” Brenner, Sunday, November 11, 2018   It’s not even a road, see. No signs, no arrows. Just trees that part briefly, and then a narrow dirt track going low and slow away from the flat top black top. Follow that road down and you’ll pass three trailers settin’ …

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Recent observations

  Our porous border Dear editor: How does anyone in the current political environment believe that our country will survive the partisan bickering and name calling to ensure the so-called “domestic tranquility?” I think these words were lost long ago when we decided to take care of everyone’s needs according to their abilities. We forgot …

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Trump’s post-truth presidency

Trump’s attack on his own intelligence services was both extraordinary and expected By Hussein Ibish in The National, Feb 2, 2019   This week starkly illustrated a remarkable feature of Donald Trump’s administration: this president does not do policy; he only does politics. Policy professionals always struggle to square sound foreign policy with the effective …

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What we should be talking about

  Seems a mea culpa – Latin for “Oops!” – is in order. Who knew our prodigal practitioner could issue a challenge and then dictate rules of engagement for any who dared?  My last ramble apparently strayed far afield from doctor’s orders. Oops! #2 – my last letter left the impression that China’s “Great Wall” …

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My conscience leaves me no other choice

Time to Break the Silence on Palestine By Michelle Alexander, Jan. 19, 2019   On April 4, 1967, exactly one year before his assassination, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stepped up to the lectern at the Riverside Church in Manhattan. The United States had been in active combat in Vietnam for two years …

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Everyone loves a parade

  Dear editor, George Bernard Shaw is credited with this bit of wisdom:  “If you want to tell people the truth, you’d better make them laugh or they’ll kill you.”  John Naisbitt, American author and speaker, was perhaps following that sage advice when he wrote “leadership involves finding a parade and getting in front of …

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Oklahoma is worth the wait

A poem to progressives plotting mass exodus By Lauren Zuniga, November 18, 2010   There is a sick pit in your stomach. A plantation in your front yard. The static flicker of black and white. An absurd talking picture, where sepia skin is now villain. You are not sure who to trust anymore. Everyone walks …

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