Category: Foreign Policy

Once more, with feeling

 Here we go again.  Is there no limit to the willful ignorance that manifests itself on these pages?  If the writers who routinely berate Charley Reese for his studied sympathies ever stop scouring the Internet for imaginary jihads, we’ll all be better off.  Do us a big favor and stick to researching dubious medical remedies; …

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Ticking Clocks and “Accidental” War  In addition to furthering our conversation/speculation about a coming war with Iran, this article by Alistair Crooke is interesting in that it mentions yet another idea about the recent IDF “attack” on Syria (one you won’t likely hear from American or Israeli news sources). If you’ll read the comments afterwards, you’ll notice one by …

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Background noise

 I was flipping channels a few minutes ago.  Faux News had a “Breaking News” banner below their bobble-head anchor of the hour, trumpeting that Petraeus’ Iraq report was calling for a 30,000 troop reduction by next summer. I switched to C-Span and started watching the general’s questioning in the Senate.  Jack Reed, a Democrat from …

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A Moment of Silence

A poem for 9-11 By Emmanuel Ortiz, September 11, 2002   Before I begin this poem, I’d like to ask you to join me in a moment of silence in honor of those who died in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11th, 2001. I would also like to ask you to …

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Iran blitz?

 A three-day blitz to take out the entire Iranian military, and the Shiites in Iraq and Lebanon will silently/meekly watch from the sidelines?  In that sick way that the President’s spin doctors think, bombing Iran back into the Stone Age is probably their last hope to make things look relatively better in Iraq and Afghanistan… …

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 Thanks.  Very interesting.  Finally, a few Americans are starting to get a clue how dangerously wacky this premillennial stuff is.  Kinda funny when it’s a bunch of hillbillies playing with snakes.  Not so funny when it dictates foreign policy and kills hundreds of thousands and dispossesses millions more. Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2007 2:37 PM …

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 Some first impressions about — it seems to be a right-wing(ish?) Jewish version of the Drudge Report.  Not surprising — I’ve been reading Haaretz for nearly 10 years and have observed that the entire country, as well as our own, is drifting in that direction.  That, or I’m in a free-fall towards the left fringe of …

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