Selections from a recent Facebook conversation. Names have been changed to protect the innocent, the willfully ignorant, the woefully beguiled, and the morally repugnant (see fundie #5). Due to the branching nature of such conversations on social media, this is stitched together from various, sometimes parallel/simultaneous narratives and is therefore only a linear approximation of …
Category: History
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May 12 2018
A wrinkle in time
Sometime in the mid-1930s, when my dad was about 12, a Ford Tri-Motor (aka “The Tin Goose”) flew onto a cow pasture just outside of Holdenville, Oklahoma. For the next several days, for the mere price of a bread wrapper and fifty cents, a person could buy a short flight. Bereft of even a half-dollar …
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Feb 21 2018
Dear editor: America is awash in an eschatological frenzy of flummery. So when news about Mueller’s investigation of our pouty POTUS’s son-in-law began focusing on shenanigans surrounding foreign financing of his building in New York City, my end-times spider sense began to tingle! People, you cannot make this stuff up. The address of that building …
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Jan 28 2018
Response to the Muslim
Support for Morgan Sentinel Record Letter to the Editor, Sunday, January 28, 2018 Dear editor: This is my response to the Muslim, Mahmoud El-Yousseph’s letter (Sunday, Jan. 21) which was highly critical of Jan Morgan, owner of the Gun Cave Indoor Firing Range. Mrs. Morgan has declared her business a “Muslim free zone,” …
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Dec 21 2017
Believing like Jesus
A wonderful time of year Monsieur d’Nalgar: Mr. Lindholm informed me of several corrections that are now reflected herein. These corrections were made via social media after the letter was published in the Sentinel Record… The comments that follow were also harvested from social media. Vendredi 22 décembre 2017 à l’ère commune. Joyeux Noël à tous! …
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Dec 14 2017
Everyone else
The Black Community in Alabama Saved Us From White Evangelicals By John Pavlovitz, December 13, 2017 (updated December 14, 2017) As news of Doug Jones’ victory came in last night I initially rejoiced. Watching one of the reddest places in America turn blue, and seeing voters there reject one of the most reprehensible candidates …
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Dec 08 2017
We all have so much work to do
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: ‘Trump is where he is because of his appeal to racism’ By Donald McRae, Friday 8 December 2017 13.26 EST Like all people my age I find the passage of time so startling,” Kareem Abdul-Jabbar says with a quiet smile. The 70-year-old remains the highest points-scorer in the history of the NBA …
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