Catholic Church’s best ambassador

After Vatican’s rebuke of nuns, time to hear Mary’s voice

By , April 26, 2012 Imagine the fury of the men of Galilee when a young, unmarried girl showed up in their village pregnant. They must have…  [more]

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I like to loathe people

The “Daily Show” guide to my enemies

By , Friday, Apr 27, 2012 06:00 PM CDT For two years I was a field producer for “The Daily Show With Jon Stewart.” The field producer is the person…  [more]

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Indistinguishable from the lunatic fringe

Satanazis III: Night of the Satanazis

By Fred Clark, April 25, 2012 Don’t imagine you’re safe just because Pat Robertson, Demon Hunter, is on the job. Sure, Robertson’s Age-Defying Shakes give him the strength to leg-press 1,000 pounds,…  [more]

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Our crime was looking like the people

We Japanese Americans must not forget our wartime internment

By , Friday 27 April 2012 15.15 EDT Seventy years ago, US soldiers bearing bayoneted rifles came marching up to the front door of our family’s home in…  [more]

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Third-rate wingnut talkshow host

This supremely Republican supreme court

By Scott Lemieux, Friday 27 April 2012 15.41 EDT The 2008 elections represented a decisive repudiation of the policies of George W Bush and the Republican party. Yet, conservative Republicans still control the…  [more]

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Coordinated, systematic racial discrimination

Christians of the Holy Land

By Ben White, 26 Apr 2012 06:36 A recent report by CBS show 60 Minutes on “Christians of the Holy Land” has received a lot of attention, not least for the embarrassing contribution by…  [more]

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Flammable pool of toxic paranoia

The Ghost of Joe McCarthy in Today’s Republican Party

By Bill Moyers and Michael Winship, April 26, 2012 We’ve talked at times about George Orwell’s classic novel 1984, and the amnesia that sets in when we flush…  [more]

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