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Apr 10 2012
Astoundingly naïve
Deir Yassin: No passing over history
By Yousef Munayyer, 09 Apr 2012 16:52 … On April 9, 1948, scores of Palestinian civilians were massacred at the village of Deir Yassin through co-operative efforts of Yishuv forces like the Irgun,… [more]Permanent link to this article:
Apr 09 2012
Defining Jews, Defining a Nation: Can Genetics Save Israel?
By Jeff Wheelwright, Mar 14 2012, 7:01 AM ET … Herzliya, a broad-beached ocean-side resort 10 miles north of Tel Aviv, is booming with construction — big hotels going up… [more]Permanent link to this article:
Apr 08 2012
Alternative to Futility
Elton Trueblood on the Quaker experiment: a continuous ferment
By Monsieur d’Nalgar … (Note: this is adapted from an email to my pastor written in July 2006.) About a week ago, I found a small book (or it found me) … [more]Permanent link to this article:
Apr 07 2012
Happy Easter!
20 things Jesus never said
Observations on the life of faith from a candidate for the Office of Teaching Elder in the Presbyterian Church (USA), April 4, 2012 …- Do you see that water over there? I’m about to turn
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Apr 07 2012
What must be said
Was gesagt werden muss
Das Gedicht von Günter Grass, 04.04.2012, 12:03 … Warum schweige ich, verschweige zu lange, was offensichtlich ist und in Planspielen geübt wurde, an deren Ende als Überlebende wir allenfalls Fußnoten sind. Es ist das behauptete Recht… [more]Permanent link to this article:
Apr 05 2012
God, who has chosen us
We have not survived Pharaoh
By Yossi Sarid, 02:16 06.04.12 … From Passover 1968 to Passover 2012 not much has changed. It feels, in fact, like 44 years have not gone by since we celebrated the first festival of… [more]Permanent link to this article: