Nothing better to do

For God’s sake – stop talking

By Cliff Schecter, 04 Jul 2011 17:11 Lately, there would seem to be a whole lot more people who have a direct channel to the Big Guy Upstairs than one could have…  [more]

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Two preachers walk into a bar…

Baptist, Presbyterian congregations brew a thriving ‘pub-lic’ ministry

By Erin Dunigan, June 21, 2011 A pub is not necessarily the first place you’d expect to find a Southern Baptist pastor and a Presbyterian minister leading a conversation about faith…  [more]

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Teabagger’s lament

Monsieur d’Nalgar’s introduction:  This Fourth of July ramble, a tear-stained xenophobic summation of just about everything she thinks is wrong with America (according to her spoon-fed propaganda), appeared on page 6A of today’s Sentinel Record.  Enjoy.

Protect our America


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And they that wasted us

Do the faithful need a new National Anthem?

By Martha Woodroof, 09:34 PM ET, 07/02/2011 Oh what a patriotic tempest a small Anabaptist Indiana teapot of a college has provoked: Goshen College Board of Directors  [more]

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American mythology

Five myths about the American flag

By Marc Leepson, June 10, 2001 Americans love our flag. We display it at concerts and stadiums to celebrate, and at times of national tragedy to show our resolve. We have our schoolchildren…  [more]

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Make the bastard scream

The blood of Dresden

By, June 25, 2011 at 10:08 pm Following is an extract from Armageddon in Retrospect by Kurt Vonnegut in which he describes the scenes of ‘obscene brutality’ he witnessed as a prisoner of war  [more]

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Sort of domestic terror

Creeping Shariah: Stealth Threat or Conspiracy Theory?

By Gefilte, 01 July 2011 I wanted to find out what the kerfluffle over “creeping Shariah” was all about. After all, this is a Republican worry in thirteen states which have introduced  [more]

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