Does any of this sound familiar?

Voices of protest that deserve to be listened to, not sneered at

By Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, Monday, 28 March 2011 My husband, daughter and I should have joined fellow-citizens who marched on Saturday against the cuts demanded by fundamentalist, doctrinaire…  [more]

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Dangerous farce

The shady men backed by the West to displace Gaddafi

By Patrick Cogburn, Sunday, 3 April 2011 In the restaurant of the Amal Africa hotel in Ajdabiya south of Benghazi, waiters have started to ask journalists to pay their…  [more]

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Until we awake

The Collapse of Globalization

By Chris Hedges, Mar 27, 2011 The uprisings in the Middle East, the unrest that is tearing apart nations such as the Ivory Coast, the bubbling discontent in Greece, Ireland and Britain and the labor…  [more]

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Muslims among us

Five myths about Muslims in America

By Feisal Abdul Rauf, Friday, April 1, 3:28 PM I founded the multi-faith Cordoba Initiative to fight the misunderstandings that broaden the divide between Islam and the West — each perceived as harmful…  [more]

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Criminal irresponsibility?

Note:  I usually reserve this image for all things Glenn Beck, but the not-so-good reverend’s antics are so outrageous that they deserve this rare exception.  Terry Jones is an embarassment to all who call themselves Americans and Christians. – Monsieur  [more]

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Breaking (the) news

Let the images of war speak for themselves

By Robert Fisk, Saturday, 2 April 2011 I hate being called a war reporter. Firstly, because there is an unhappy flavour of the junkie about it. Secondly, because you cannot report…  [more]

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Another myth done gone

The myth of tribal Libya

By Alaa al-Ameri , Wednesday 30 March 2011 10.00 BST In the last few weeks, the word “tribalism” has been used extensively in the context of the Libyan democratic uprising – a spectre looming…  [more]

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