Test Your Savvy on Religion
Nicholas D. Kristof
October 9, 2010
Time for a pop quiz.
The New York Times reported recently on a
Pew Research Center poll in which religious people turned out to be remarkably uninformed…
Permanent link to this article: https://levantium.com/2010/10/10/pop-quiz/
This was sent to me today by Ilene Cohen, Executive Editor of World Politics, journal of Princeton’s Institute for International and Regional Studies.
October 7, 2010
Here I am sitting in an office at Princeton University and I missed this…
Permanent link to this article: https://levantium.com/2010/10/07/bravo-brandon-davis/
I happened to notice
The American Patriot’s Bible yesterday at our local Sam’s Club (a Costco-like retail warehouse owned and operated by Wal-Mart). Following are some of Greg Boyd’s thoughts about the flag-draped idolatry that
Patriot’s Bible represents. Boyd is…
Permanent link to this article: https://levantium.com/2010/10/03/patriots-bible/
From the conclusion of Dana Milbank’s “
Glenn Beck is obsessed with Hitler and Woodrow Wilson. (I’m just saying.)”
Sunday, October 3, 2010
The Apollo Alliance, funded by Soros, wrote Obama’s stimulus bill! Apollo’s Jeff Jones, along with…
Permanent link to this article: https://levantium.com/2010/10/02/professor-beck/
From “Junkets for Jesus” by Jeff Sharlet,
Mother Jones, Monday Sep. 27, 2010 3:00 AM PDT
THE OLDEST AND MOST politically influential Christian conservative organization in Washington is known to the public, if at all, for one…
Permanent link to this article: https://levantium.com/2010/09/28/the-family-camel/
This little gem, titled “
Islam a legal system,” appeared on page 8 of the opinion section of the September 23, 2010
Sentinel Record…
Dear editor:
Regarding Mr. Vogt’s defense of Islam in America, I have two websites…
Permanent link to this article: https://levantium.com/2010/09/24/seriously/
MEC Analytical Group
21 September 2010
War talk
We are grateful to Richard Dalton for bringing to our attention the account below of an exchange of views on 17 September on the prospect of another war between Israel and Lebanon.…
Permanent link to this article: https://levantium.com/2010/09/21/war-talk/