Israel & Palestine: a response to

 In reading about your various campaigns, I noted the following:  “Israeli and Palestinian Avaaz members, like other Avaaz members and the general public around the world, firmly support a peaceful, just, two-state solution for Israel and Palestine and respect for…  [more]

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Lebanese-ness and Phoenician genetic markers

 There is an important section in Friedman’s “From Beirut to Jerusalem” that talks about the Phoenician-descent myth that Lebanese Christians invented for themselves, and how the Israelis bought into it hook-line-and-sinker as they were preparing for their first Lebanese invasion…  [more]

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Think race wasn’t an issue? 16% of the people who voted for McCain said they would have voted for Hillary had she been in the race.  21% of those admitted race was a factor, but 96% of that 16% were either white or Hispanic,…  [more]

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The other side of Israel

 This afternoon I finished reading Susan Nathan’s “The other side of Israel: my journey across the Jewish-Arab divide” today (2005, ISBN 0-385-51456-5).  The links below are from the back of the book.  Equally interesting, near the end of the book, …  [more]

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Caesar or God?

 To my pastor: Appreciated today’s reminder that God is still sovereign, even if Americans don’t vote for Obama.  I wish you could have reminded people to try to rise above any lingering racism or other prejudices when deciding to vote. …  [more]

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My mother’s kid brother

 From Ray Close: Eddy and the Mideast Joseph C. Goulden  OP-ED:  Middle East veterans of a certain era – the World War II era into the 1950s – speak with respectful awe of William A. Eddy. Soldier, scholar, statesman, spy,…  [more]

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So long Charley

Dear editor: Molly Ivins is long gone and Charley Reese has thrown in the towel.  All we’re left with now are the sanitized opinions of neocon apologists like Rich Lowrey, who just happens to be editor of the arch-conservative National…  [more]

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