Feb 23 2015
Oh brother! Where art thou?!
Permanent link to this article: https://levantium.com/2015/02/23/oh-brother-where-art-thou/
Feb 22 2015
If in the next breath
Beating Back ISIS
By Martin Accad, February 20, 2015 Every few days, we seem to wake up to another massacre committed by ISIS. And these are, of course, only the ones that the media reports. ISIS, in reality, is… [more]Permanent link to this article: https://levantium.com/2015/02/22/if-in-the-next-breath/
Feb 22 2015
We ought not to underrate its emotional appeal
What ISIS Really Wants
By Graeme Wood, March 2015 What is the Islamic State? Where did it come from, and what are its intentions? The simplicity of these questions can be deceiving, and few Western leaders seem to… [more]Permanent link to this article: https://levantium.com/2015/02/22/we-ought-not-to-underrate-its-emotional-appeal/
Feb 21 2015
May we meet again as happy thieves in Paradise
Testament of Dom Christian de Chergé
(opened on Pentecost Sunday, May 26, 1996) Facing a GOODBYE … If it should happen one day — and it could be today — that I become a victim of the terrorism which… [more]Permanent link to this article: https://levantium.com/2015/02/21/may-we-meet-again-as-happy-thieves-in-paradise/
Feb 07 2015
You may find yourself left behind
Visitor from space
By Donald Cunningham, February 7, 2015 Recently, our planet had a visitor from outer space, and I don’t mean Klaatu. It was what the National Aeronautics and Space Administration has labeled “2004 BL86,” a giant… [more]Permanent link to this article: https://levantium.com/2015/02/07/you-may-find-yourself-left-behind/
Jan 31 2015
Ana bahibak ya jeddi
A Hasidic Prayer at a Palestinian Conference
By Yakir Englander, 01/30/2015 5:59 pm EST I grew up in Israel, born into an Ultra-Orthodox Hasidic Jewish family, convinced that all Arabs desired my destruction, and totally unprepared for any… [more]Permanent link to this article: https://levantium.com/2015/01/31/ana-bahibak-ya-jeddi/
Jan 26 2015
The border between satire and insult
Hook-nosed Jew vs. Mohammed cartoons: What’s the difference?
By Shoshana Kordova, Jan. 21, 2015 11:50 AM You won’t be surprised, in these post-Charlie Hebdo days, to hear that there’s a controversial cartoon going around the Internet. I’m… [more]Permanent link to this article: https://levantium.com/2015/01/26/the-border-between-satire-and-insult/