How about a War on War?

War Is People Too

By Jeffrey Hutchins, 2014   It’s very interesting that Corporations are now legally invested with nearly all the same rights and protections as individual people. We have made Corporations the second androids: beings made out of…  [more]

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Those who are left behind

As well as killing hundreds of Gaza’s children, Israel has destroyed the lives of thousands more

By Yara Hawari, Wednesday 6 August 2014   As with all wars, the war in Gaza is being measured by its dead. According…  [more]

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Swallowing their own lies

Israel-Gaza conflict: What has Israel achieved in 26 bloody days?

By Patrick Cockburn, Sunday 3 August 2014   As Gaza is devastated by a new paroxysm of violence, what has Israel achieved by its 26-day bombardment and ground intervention? The…  [more]

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Known unto God

First World War Centenary: My father threw away his poppy in disgust

By Robert Fisk, Sunday 3 August 2014   Let the memorials gather grass and the commemorations be over. I wish all those dead men could lose their eternal…  [more]

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Sign of latent anti-Semitism

AP bias

  Why is the Associated Press so biased against Israel? Over the past few weeks, as the conflict instigated by Hamas raged, AP has shown numerous photos of the damage in Gaza. Remember the people of Gaza choose…  [more]

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Singapore of the Middle East

Gaza myths and facts: what American Jewish leaders won’t tell you

By , Jul. 30, 2014 1:44 PM   If you’ve been anywhere near the American Jewish community over the past few weeks, you’ve heard the following morality…  [more]

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Making a fetish of the word “freedom”

The United States Wants the World to Forget These Prisoners

By Molly Crabapple, July 21, 2014   Andy Stepanian is one of the kindest humans I’ve ever met. An activist publicist, Andy draws attention to Americans imprisoned for their…  [more]

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