Paul Newman is dead

Israel’s Script Turns Sour

By Lisa Goldman, February 22, 2013   For years, Paul Newman and his blue eyes shaped America’s perception of Israel. Newman starred in Exodus, a 1960 Hollywood blockbuster set in 1947, the final year of…  [more]

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I am mystified


Peril of gun confiscation

  Dear editor: I keep hearing and reading that there needs to be “discussion” on the gun control issue, but the “discussion” ends up being one sided — the liberal, anti-Second Amendment side. Chuck…  [more]

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And thus absurdity reigns

O to have been born a Jew

By Oudeh Basharat, Feb.08, 2013 3:41 AM   In Israel there is an entire population sector whose name begins with “non” – “the non-Jewish sector.” Please do not take this as an insult,…  [more]

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Guerrilla tactics

The Evolution of Irregular War

By Max Boot, February 5, 2013   Pundits and the press too often treat terrorism and guerrilla tactics as something new, a departure from old-fashioned ways of war. But nothing could be further from…  [more]

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To the Palestinian ZOB

Marek Edelman: Last surviving leader of the 1943 Warsaw Ghetto uprising against the Nazis

By John Rose, Wednesday 07 October 2009   “All night we walked through the sewers, sometimes crawling… passageways booby-trapped with hand grenades… gas let into the…  [more]

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Photographs (modified) of an old tree on the Blue Heron Trail. Lake Degray State Park, Sunday, February 3, 2013.…  [more]

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Comfort the comfortable

Makers, Takers, Fakers

By , January 27, 2013   Republicans have a problem. For years they could shout down any attempt to point out the extent to which their policies favored the elite over the poor and the…  [more]

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