Category: Christianity

Overhaul of governments and institutions

How ISIS Should Shape Our View of the Church and Its Mission Globally By Martin Accad, December 4, 2014   I’ve been blogging and speaking much about ISIS in recent months. Last July, as we were beginning to get to grips with the savagery of the group, I tried to call us all, as people who …

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Cult of the flying spittle

  Dear editor: On the week of celebrating Thanksgiving, this is a “thankful” response to George Lindholm’s letter (Saturday, Nov. 22). Yes! Thank you, George, for your alarming letter, which served as a strong reminder for why Christian conservatives must continue going in the “right” direction! Early on in your letter, you stated that the …

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In the defense of racial segregation

The Real Origins of the Religious Right By Randall Balmer, May 27, 2014   One of the most durable myths in recent history is that the religious right, the coalition of conservative evangelicals and fundamentalists, emerged as a political movement in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling legalizing abortion. The …

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Crossing Central Avenue

        Dear Editor, I, too, would like to thank First Church of Nazarene (on lovely, picturesque, bench-free Central Avenue) for its field of little white crosses.  My first thought was that the miniature Flanders Fields was a reminder of all the people we killed during our precious-moment wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.  …

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I hate to besmirch ignorance

  A really long response to a hateful email about Obama and Muslims By Irene, Sunday, July 8, 2012   So, I got this email from my uncle. It’s one of those hateful chain mails that you usually just glance at and delete. Normally, I don’t respond to this sort of bullshit, but I just …

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The harvest to come #2

Dear editor, Have you been hearing a hollow clanging in the middle of the night? Faint, but growing louder in that gathering twilight before the fitful dreams of midnight’s slumber?  Could it be the sound of the dark lord himself, Darth Cheney, frenzied with blood lust, beating his bionic breast like a reborn King-Kong as …

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The harvest to come

Dear editor, Have you heard a distant clanging in the middle of the night?  It’s the sound of the dark lord himself, Darth Cheney, thumping his bionic chest as the scent of yet another bloody Iraq war reaches his flared nostrils.  It’s back to ancient Babylon, boys!  Bubbling crude, black gold.  Oil.  Halliburton.  Abu Ghraib.  …

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