Category: Christianity

Serendipity soup du jour

Moroccan Chicken Soup As of 3/15/2020 (and subject to change without notice)   8 cups of water 2 cans (13 oz) ounces of white chicken meat, drained (or equivalent leftover rotisserie chicken, white or dark) 2 cans diced tomatoes, drained 2 cans garbanzo beans, drained 2 cans (4 oz) mushrooms, drained 8 artichoke hearts, halved …

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And no one dared to ask him any more questions.

  Faith and Immortality Christian belief in immortality is a corollary of the total Christian faith. It is not the initial affirmation of the Christian creed, not is it a detachable item that can be held in isolation; it is an involved consequence, part and parcel of the whole Christian view of life. Uniformly the …

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Against the New Nationalism

An Appeal to Our Fellow Christians By The Editors, August 19, 2019   Each day more signs point to a tremendous shift in American conservatism away from the prior consensus and toward the new nationalism of Donald Trump. This is evident not only in the recent National Conservatism Conference held in July in Washington, D.C., …

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If I could apologize

If I could apologize   To the Honorable Ilhan Abdullahi Omar, United States House of Representatives representing the 5th District of Minnesota, If I could apologize for how Americans have treated you this week, where would I begin? I apologize for being part of a privileged “white” tribe that thinks itself superior to all others. …

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Gristle in your tea (deep thoughts for dark times)

Love and be killed   The Gospels insist upon two antithetical truths which express the tragedy of the human condition: the first is that if you do not love you will not be alive; the second is that if you do love you will be killed. If you cannot love you remain self-enclosed and sterile, …

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One more time

  A concise defense of Palestinians   Dear editor, Cherry-picking Torah is a [favorite] hobby of fundamentalist Christians, but Israel is not America’s [magical] lucky charm. Rather, Israel is a festering injustice that only incubates fanaticism and terrorism [around the world]. On the [assumption biblical presumption] that truth will set you free, consider this alternative …

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Items of interest

  Morgan to address Republicans   Jan Morgan, commentator and local Hot Springs businesswoman, will be the featured speaker at the next monthly meeting of the Republican Party of Garland County on Thursday. The RPGC meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. Thursday at the Family Center of First Church of the Nazarene, 3804 Central Ave. …

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