Fisk, in today’s piece on how a Canadian paper is diverting unwelcome attention on Israel’s latest brutality by reminding readers of Hitler and the Holocaust: As usual, we who speak out against the ruthlessness of Israel’s army – as, of course, we do against the Arabs – are anti-Semites. Remember the Holocaust. Remember Our Guilt. …
Category: Culture
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Jun 10 2010
A toast to Helen
Where else but in America can you pillory the career of an old woman for the mere crime of having the audacity to speak her mind? The purge of the screeching castrati of our fourth estate is now nearly complete – any reporter who dared consider the improbable narrative that always justifies all that Israel …
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Jun 09 2010
A brief encounter
I met Helen Thomas several years ago at a Washington DC restaurant. When I made the mistake of addressing her as a Lebanese-American (hard to recall now if my vocals were likewise hyphenated), she quickly corrected me. “I am an American of Lebanese descent!” I think she even wagged her finger at me as she …
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May 31 2010
Beyond incredulity
This headline in today’s supposedly-progressive Haaretz – “Israel Navy commandos: Gaza flotilla activists tried to lynch us” – makes me wonder if something was lost in translation. The irony of a lynching in Israel’s own Deep South is strange enough fruit (see postscript) for a crack PR operation, but for an Israeli newspaper to acknowledge …
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May 16 2010
Part 1 of 3: First the good news…
…bad news to follow. Here’s a short introduction Ray Close (retired CIA) added yesterday to a recent essay by a credentialed Republican: This short essay contains no particularly original ideas or deep insights, but in the simplicity and clarity of its logic and language, (and the credentials of its author), it is exceptionally helpful. It …
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Mar 24 2010
Remarkable evidence that Ezekiel Bulver is dying
… In 1941, Ezekiel Bulver recounted the story of how, at the age of five, his destiny was determined when he heard his mother say to his father – who had been maintaining that two sides of a triangle were together greater than the third – “Oh, you say that because you are a man.” …
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Jan 11 2010
Prez perks in Palestine
Bush, in a typical display of sensitivity, remarked about his 30-minute trip between Jerusalem and Ramallah yesterday: “You’ll be happy to know, my whole motorcade of a mere 45 cars was able to make it through without being stopped. I’m not so exactly sure that’s what happens to the average person.” For an example of how average persons get …
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