Category: Culture

Background noise

 I was flipping channels a few minutes ago.  Faux News had a “Breaking News” banner below their bobble-head anchor of the hour, trumpeting that Petraeus’ Iraq report was calling for a 30,000 troop reduction by next summer. I switched to C-Span and started watching the general’s questioning in the Senate.  Jack Reed, a Democrat from …

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A Moment of Silence

A poem for 9-11 By Emmanuel Ortiz, September 11, 2002   Before I begin this poem, I’d like to ask you to join me in a moment of silence in honor of those who died in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11th, 2001. I would also like to ask you to …

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Lebanon’s future

 YaLibnanTV (websites and has this disturbing bit: If you would like to know if you are Phoenician and interested in knowing your lineage, then please visit The Genographic Projects’ website to contribute DNA… As an American mongrel with mixtures of English, German, Irish, Cherokee, Pawnee, and God-only-knows what else, when I read/hear about …

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Trans-Siberian Highway

 It was too good to be true… I found out that the short curved section in the middle of the Trans-Siberian Highway is just an urban legend, probably based on a similar tale about the Moscow-Saint Petersburg Railway.  Here’s the real story: Nicholas I is involved in a common misconception about the railroad from Moscow …

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Hey Joe

 Would you please… …just SHUUUT UP for a few minutes and let the other people on your show talk?  Last week was really bad.  You had the two females sitting across from you — one was a famous blogger now moved on to Time Magazine — but we rarely heard anything they had to say because …

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 I made kefta tonight!  Sure brought back memories…  We went to the farmer’s market Saturday morning and I bought a pound of ground lamb from a man who has a farm on Petit Jean Mountain.  He told me most American farmers raise a different kind of lamb, but that his was the same kind I …

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Børre demands an explanation

 Europeans, and perhaps most Americans along the two coasts, have been more or less secular for so long that they probably can’t understand the depth or political clout of the religious mythology surrounding Israel.  It has completely trumped rational thought.  It is bad theology and it’s definitely bad foreign policy, but this bizarre love affair …

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