Category: War

What we should be talking about

  Seems a mea culpa – Latin for “Oops!” – is in order. Who knew our prodigal practitioner could issue a challenge and then dictate rules of engagement for any who dared?  My last ramble apparently strayed far afield from doctor’s orders. Oops! #2 – my last letter left the impression that China’s “Great Wall” …

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My conscience leaves me no other choice

Time to Break the Silence on Palestine By Michelle Alexander, Jan. 19, 2019   On April 4, 1967, exactly one year before his assassination, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stepped up to the lectern at the Riverside Church in Manhattan. The United States had been in active combat in Vietnam for two years …

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In your name

If By Arkansas Times’ “The Observer” (David Koon), June 14, 2018   If you can, cast your mind back to when you were very young and recall what it felt like to be separated from your mother and father. Not just playing in the yard or another part of the house, but truly, even for …

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Response to the Muslim

  Support for Morgan Sentinel Record Letter to the Editor, Sunday, January 28, 2018   Dear editor: This is my response to the Muslim, Mahmoud El-Yousseph’s letter (Sunday, Jan. 21) which was highly critical of Jan Morgan, owner of the Gun Cave Indoor Firing Range. Mrs. Morgan has declared her business a “Muslim free zone,” …

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We all have so much work to do

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: ‘Trump is where he is because of his appeal to racism’ By Donald McRae, Friday 8 December 2017 13.26 EST   Like all people my age I find the passage of time so startling,” Kareem Abdul-Jabbar says with a quiet smile. The 70-year-old remains the highest points-scorer in the history of the NBA …

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  Hedd Wyn: the shepherd poet whose story shows the stupidity of war By Giles Fraser, Thursday 9 November 2017   When the first world war broke out, the poet Ellis Humphrey Evans was working as a shepherd on the family hill farm in north Wales. Generally better known by his bardic name, Hedd Wyn, …

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Distinguished intellectual tradition

Let’s be honest about the Second Amendment By Matthew Walther, October 6, 2017   The Second Amendment clearly and definitively does not say what so many gun-rights absolutists in America claim it does. This is interesting when you consider conservatives’ otherwise consistent adherence to constitutional originalism. Consider, for instance, that one of the soundest, if …

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