The point I tried to make was this: I think the death-spiral of humans towards exclusivity is as innate as taking the next breath. Many religions take advantage of that human characteristic, but not just religions. Political parties, advertisers, specialists of all kinds (scientific, academic, skill-based, etc.), frat-brats and sorority chicks — more often than not, they tend …
Category: Culture
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Mar 30 2007
Gravitation toward exlusiveness
Arthur C. Clarke came to mind when reading your post. Whether or not this has anything to do with your thesis is probably open to debate, but I think you will find Clarke’s comments entertaining if not enlightening… The quote that made me think of Sir Clarke: “Sometimes I think we’re alone in the universe, …
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Mar 27 2007
Secular Islam
Randi Rhodes keeps harping on the idea that there’s a warped misogynistic, sado-masochistic, repressed-homosexuality theme running through a lot of what’s going on today in the Republican party and in our military fiasco in Iraq — phone sex with congressional pages, torture at Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo and black prisons, and of course, the wild popularity of …
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Mar 17 2007
Faux news
You’re taking the Washington Times to task for helping smear Valerie Plame? That’s like chastising the New York Post for helping Israel attack Jimmy Carter, or Faux News for helping keep George Bush’s insanity hidden from his shrinking pool of doting admirers. In the interest of triangulating the truth from multiple “news” sources, you have to …
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Mar 14 2007
Flying spittle
I can imagine that in Mr. Greenberg’s mind, any modern comparison to the Holocaust is tantamount to its diminution/dilution and therefore an insult to the Jews’ well-documented suffering. Also well-documented is the rage provoked by exposing the hypocrisy of Jewish nationalists. Just ask Jesus… If Greenberg didn’t like your comments, I’m sure he’s thrilled with fellow Jew …
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Mar 14 2007
Yesterday, Monroe asked me: Aren’t there people in the USA who call themselves Christians who truly want a Theocracy here – somewhat like the Taliban described below? Absolutely. The scariest of the bunch (in my opinion) are the ones who follow and expand upon the teachings of Rousas John Rushdoony (1916 – 2001). He …
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Mar 12 2007
War’s price tag
Pretend for a moment the war is occurring in a vacuum and we’re not even considering the cost to Iraq and its neighbors. According to an article published today in New Statesman, the cost for the war and for caring for our wounded and for the tangential impacts, such as the cost of oil, will eventually …
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