Dear editor: “How much more will have to happen before we defend our country? When are we going to say enough is enough and join together to defeat radical Islamic terrorism?” asked Gov. Rick Scott (Florida) after the Orlando mass murders! And the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette in its Tuesday, June 14, editorial entitled, “Defeat them,” …
Category: Culture
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Jun 18 2016
35 documented terrorist training camps
Dear editor: Stephanie, Dr. Sternberg’s position and mine havenothing to do with “hate” and everything to do with public safety. The last two terrorist attacks in America were committed by Muslims who trained at their local gun ranges. I refuse to train the next jihadist. The Counter Terrorism Unit of the FBI sent a …
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Jun 15 2016
Resurrection to something better
Prayers for Orlando A letter from Bishop Benfield, June 15, 2016 From its earliest days, the church has said that Christians look at the four ancient virtues of wisdom, justice, courage, and temperance through the lens of love, faith, and hope. We hold on to these values because our hope is for the perfect …
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Jun 15 2016
The things you should really fear
God bless the boogeymen By Monsieur d’Nalgar, June 15 2016 CE Hocus pocus, mumbo jumbo, higgity piggity, radical Islamic terrorism. Now throw in an alakazam! and a few hooahs and mumble this magic incantation, over and over, louder and louder, until you reach the same keening crescendo as a deranged village idiot or a presumptive presidential …
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Jun 14 2016
So many questions!
Dear editor, Once again, America has experienced terrorism. Once again, President Obama refuses to label it for what it was. Despite a Muslim swearing allegiance to ISIS, Obama refuses to call it radical, Islamic terrorism. To him, it’s a hate crime against the LGBT community and a gun-control failure, not what the rest of …
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Jun 10 2016
The Passion of Bernie Sanders
Holy week at the church of state By Jacques d’Nalgar, June 10 2016 CE Looking back on the events of this week — the media’s concerted effort to demoralize Tuesday’s primary voters and their barely-constrained glee at Bernie’s subsequent defeats, followed by yesterday’s frenzy of high-profile Hillary endorsements, coupled with images of Bernie being …
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Jun 05 2016
All too dumbed-down
Differs on Trump Dear editor: John “Doc” Crawford stated in his May 21 letter that Donald Trump has a “lack of tolerance for Muslims.” He then said that “for all Christian voters, this should demonstrate an inconsistency with Christian principles, ethics and values.” I must beg to differ with him somewhat upon this …
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