Category: Foreign Policy

Full-court press

 Today’s Washington Post features a defense of the war by Michael Chertoff, secretary of homeland security, that begins with “As the rubble of the Twin Towers smoldered in 2001…”  Talk about connecting the dots…  He attacks Brzezinski for being critical of the “war on terror,” then dredges up the Ayatollah’s “revolutionary fanaticism” of the 1970s, …

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Blood sport

 The math is pretty basic:  Jerusalem Post = disinformation. If you read from multiple sources to triangulate a semblance of reality, you can safely eschew the Jerusalem Post, Faux News, Rush Limbaugh, Krauthammer, every other neocon-Jewish (there, I said it) cheerleader for Israel, and increasingly, most of the rest of the American press. For example, …

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15 sailors

 …and whaddaya get?  Another day older and deeper in debt…  Bush and Blair have got to be the most inept diplomats in the world: The whole thing is rather silly — the general area where the incident occurred has been disputed for a long time and isn’t exactly well-delineated…  In better times, both sides would …

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Ides of March

 We’re about to finish out our 5th March in Iraq and according to, this is the deadliest one yet for our boys and girls in the military.  Thank goodness our wise commander-in-chief has outsourced the “ugliest” operations to Blackwater mercenaries (… It hardly matters really, since they aren’t good Christian Americans (isn’t that a triple tautology?), but who knows …

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Faux news

 You’re taking the Washington Times to task for helping smear Valerie Plame?  That’s like chastising the New York Post for helping Israel attack Jimmy Carter, or Faux News for helping keep George Bush’s insanity hidden from his shrinking pool of doting admirers.  In the interest of triangulating the truth from multiple “news” sources, you have to …

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Flying spittle

 I can imagine that in Mr. Greenberg’s mind, any modern comparison to the Holocaust is tantamount to its diminution/dilution and therefore an insult to the Jews’ well-documented suffering.  Also well-documented is the rage provoked by exposing the hypocrisy of Jewish nationalists.  Just ask Jesus… If Greenberg didn’t like your comments, I’m sure he’s thrilled with fellow Jew …

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Close call

 Friends, Four years ago this week, I forwarded this now-prescient speech by Ray Close: It’s a long read, but remarkable in how accurately he anticipated the problems that would arise from this administration’s folly.  Well worth reading a second time (or a first, if you’re relatively new to this list). I called Mr. Close …

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