Category: Islam

The things you should really fear

God bless the boogeymen By Monsieur d’Nalgar, June 15 2016 CE   Hocus pocus, mumbo jumbo, higgity piggity, radical Islamic terrorism.  Now throw in an alakazam! and a few hooahs and mumble this magic incantation, over and over, louder and louder, until you reach the same keening crescendo as a deranged village idiot or a presumptive presidential …

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So many questions!

  Dear editor, Once again, America has experienced terrorism. Once again, President Obama refuses to label it for what it was. Despite a Muslim swearing allegiance to ISIS, Obama refuses to call it radical, Islamic terrorism. To him, it’s a hate crime against the LGBT community and a gun-control failure, not what the rest of …

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All too dumbed-down

  Differs on Trump   Dear editor: John “Doc” Crawford stated in his May 21 letter that Donald Trump has a “lack of tolerance for Muslims.” He then said that “for all Christian voters, this should demonstrate an inconsistency with Christian principles, ethics and values.” I must beg to differ with him somewhat upon this …

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A holy harangue

    Dear editor, In my last letter (April 10), I encouraged everyone who is genuinely concerned about the future welfare of our nation to please attend the prayer rally led by the Rev. Franklin Graham, who is visiting all 50 states with his most important message. I’m happy to report that it was estimated …

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Trump is wrong and Jeb was right

    Complicit in terror   Dear editor: Twenty-five years or so ago, we didn’t have a Muslim terrorist problem in this country because, frankly, we didn’t have hardly any Muslims here. I remember driving on the interstate past Perrysburg, Ohio, a suburb of Toledo, in the mid 1990s and seeing a large blue dome …

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Religious ideology is a tool

Why the Arabs Don’t Want Us in Syria By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., February 22, 2016   In part because my father was murdered by an Arab, I’ve made an effort to understand the impact of U.S. policy in the Mideast and particularly the factors that sometimes motivate bloodthirsty responses from the Islamic world against …

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Once upon a time

    The name “Mission: Meeting” is sort of an inside joke for missionaries and MKs (children of missionaries are called “missionary kids” or “mishkids”) who endured endless¹ “mission meetings” (planning and business meetings). It also conveys the idea that this project’s mission is to allow web site visitors to “meet” real people of the …

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